On the national homeless day, 79 young homeless people officially changed their address to the parliament, Christiansborg.


The homeless organization Hellebro used a loophole in the national register to do a digital protest against the government that has ignored them for years. This ensured national attention for Hellebro and a new direct dialogue with the Minister of Housing and Social Affairs.

A New Form of Homelessness

110 %. That's how much housing prices in Copenhagen have risen in the last 10 years. This increase has given rise to a completely new demographic of homeless young people who feel invisible. They resort to couch-surfing with friends and strangers as they struggle to secure a place to live, with some eventually finding refuge in shelters.

an invitation to protest

The yellow health insurance card carries the address of all Danes. Those who have one, that is. Therefore, the card is a powerful symbol of housing status and social security in Denmark. Leading up to the demonstration, the card was used as a visual frame for mobilizing the youth and exerting pressure on the government.


Vintage Sale (Cirkulär)


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